Thursday, February 19, 2009

Federal Tax Burdon/Contribution by State

Set your irony meters on high before reading this old report listing states by their proportionate federal money received to federal taxes paid, the worst takers at the top, best givers at the bottom:

1 New Mexico $2.03
2 Mississippi $2.02
3 Alaska $1.84
4 Louisiana $1.78
5 West Virginia $1.76
6 North Dakota $1.68
7 Alabama $1.66
8 South Dakota $1.53
9 Kentucky $1.51
10 Virginia $1.51

8 of the 10 worst offenders, receivers of tax money paid by others, voted Republican in the last presidential election (NM and Va being the blues), whose base is ardently against such a system of tax and redistribute. Likewise at the other end:

40 Massachusetts $0.82
41 Colorado $0.81
42 New York $0.79
43 California $0.78
44 Delaware $0.77
45 Illinois $0.75
46 Minnesota $0.72
47 New Hampshire $0.71
48 Connecticut $0.69
49 Nevada $0.65
50 New Jersey $0.61

We find all of the most generous 10 went blue last year. Draw your own conclusions. One might be "be careful what you wish for"...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to quote you but, would like to know where this data is from.